1.234 Amleto Cicognani, Ap Del USA, to Luigi Maglione, Sec State.
Reference: Report number
775/39 (AES 172/40)
Location and date: Washington,
Summary statement: FDR sent
his letter to the Pope to Spellman (New York).
FDR has sent similar letters to leading Protestant and Jewish leaders.
Language: Italian
I have the great honour of
enclosing the Letter written personally by the President of the Republic and
addressed under today’s date, to His Holiness. (1)
During the last few days the
President decided to carry out and accomplish his intention, considered to a
long time, and yesterday evening he sent me a telephone message informing me
that he would this morning send His Excellency Monsignor Spellman, Archbishop
of New York, who had been urgently called to Washington by the President, to
see me accompanied by an Assistant Secretary of State. Monsignor Spellman had a telephone
conversation with the president lasting about half an hour. He arrived in Washington this morning and
went to the White House where His Excellency Mr Roosevelt, together with Mr
Adolf A Berle Jnr (2), Assistant Secretary of State, received him. The President handed to them the Letter
addressed to the Holy Father with instructions to go to the Apostolic
Delegation and give it to me so that I could telegraph it immediately ad litteram to Your Eminence, in an open
telegram, subsequently sending the original by post. Mr Berle also told me that “the
Representative of the President of the United States to the Holy See” had
already been appointed in the person of Honourable Myron C Taylor, whom the
Holy Father had honoured by visiting him in New York. This Representative as I have already mentioned
in my telegram, shall have “rank of Ambassador Extraordinary, but without
formal title”; I use the same words repeated to me several times by Mr
Berle. Mr Taylor would have left for
Rome immediately if the doctor had not advised him first to take a few weeks
rest. He will leave at the beginning of
The White House released the
news to the press at 16.00, for publication tomorrow morning, 24 December; the
radio will broadcast it this evening at 19.00.
Perhaps, owing to the swift
unfolding of events, there are certain apparent departures from normal
procedure; to start with an open telegram and publication of the name of the
Representative of the President of the United States, without first taking the
usual steps, is certainly not the normal way.
But the President desired, indeed, I should say, was very keen, that
this matter, which anyhow was according to the wishes of the Holy See, should
be carried out here and now, and it is certain that its coincidence with
Christmas stresses its importance.
Monsignor Spellman also assured me that Mr Taylor is persona grata and well known to the Holy
I asked His Excellency the
Archbishop and Mr Berle to present to the President the warmest and most
grateful congratulations for this decision, which ties his name and this
nation, by a new and noble bond, to the Holy See; and I thought it right to
present the annual Medal of the Holy Father to Mr Berle, which he was very
pleased to accept. Monsignor Spellman
returned later to see me and told me that the President, although anticipating
some unavoidable criticism, said he was very happy and gratified over what he
had done.
The President, as announced
by the Press, has sent at the same time as his letter to the Holy Father,
similar letters to Dr George A Buttrick, President of the Federal Council of
the Churches of Christ in America (3), as Head, so to speak, of the
Protestants, and to Rabbi Cyrus Adler, President of the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America (4), one of the Jewish Heads in this country. In order to soften eventual reactions and
receive greater public acclaim, the President wished to give this action a
spiritual foundation of religion and peace, which would please the majority of
the American people. The substantial
difference, however, is this: that the President is sending a Representative to
the Holy Father, while to the two above-mentioned gentlemen he is extending a
simple invitation to call on him from time to time to discuss with him the
problems arising from present social conditions. This Representation of the President of the
United States to the Holy See is not, in itself, of a permanent character; to
reach that point an Act of the Federal Congress is required. But everybody understands that, after such a
decision, ales iacta est (5) and the
only thing is to hope that the problem will be settled as it deserves.
I attach to this report, in
addition to the President’s letter, a copy of the three letters written by the
President to the Holy Father, to Dr Buttrick and Rabbi Adler (Attachment I)
(6), as well as copy of the Statements that Monsignor Spellman and I, according
to custom here and the requests of the Press, have published today (Attachments
Ii and III) (7)
The Archbishop of New York
deserves full gratitude for all he had generously done on this occasion, and I
am quite sure that the event will obtain general approval.
(1) ADSS 1.233
(2) Adolf Augustus Berle
(1895-1971), Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs 1938-44.
(3) George Arthur Buttrick
(1892-1980), President of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in
America 1939-41.
(4) Cyrus Adler (1863-1940),
President of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1924-40.
(5) ales iacta est – literally “The die is cast”; a Latin phrase
indicating that a decision is irreversible.
(6) Stephen Tyree Early
(1889-1951), the White House Press Secretary (1933-45), sent the texts of the
two letters, and added that the letters would be published in all newspapers on
the morning of 24.12.1939 after being announced on the radio on 23.12.1939 at
(7) Statements of Archbishop
Spellman and Apostolic Delegate Cicognani.
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