1.224 Pius XII to Dino Alfieri, Italian Ambassador to the Holy See
Reference: ASS, XXXI (1939),
Location and date: 07.12.1939
Summary statement: Allusion
to the Lateran Treaty. Gratitude for the
good relations between the Holy See and Italy. Expresses the hope that Italy
will stay out of the war.
Language: Italian
The solemn presentation of
the Credentials, with which His Majesty the King Emperor accredits Your
Excellency to Us as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1), following
many illustrious personages in this high mission, whose eminent qualities and
fruitful activity will always be gratefully remembered here, takes place at a
historical moment of singular importance, the various aspects of which have
just been eloquently pointed out by Your Excellency.
Above all other
considerations, We must recall that this year the tenth anniversary of the
conclusion of the Lateran Treaty takes place, which, in the conscience of the
Italian people, symbolises and brought the providential peace anxiously awaited
through many long years of grievous dissension, which confused the souls and
shackled the energy of many of the best sons of this glorious and privileged
Italian nation, while in the conscience of the Catholic world the same Treaty
meant the new, solemn and open acknowledgement of the read and actual
sovereignty and independence of the Supreme Head of the Church.
Therefore Our soul receives
with gratitude the vow, or rather the joyful certainty, expressed by Your
Excellency, that the relations of cordial and confident understanding between
Church and State in Italy, founded on the Lateran accord of peace, will
continue to be carried out in a spirit of faithful observance, and We, for our
part, shall give to these high intentions of your August Sovereign and of his
Government all that benevolent support that the nobility of such aim and its
beneficial effect for the peaceful growth and prosperity of the Italian people
In this present difficult
hour, when the Rulers of States, in the sphere of their internal and external
activity, are confronted by tasks which impose extraordinary burdens on their
energies for decision and action, when the fulfilment of such high duties of
government, thorough the weight of the exceptional sacrifices bound
indissolubly to them, makes the complete trust and the loyal consent of the
masses of people more than ever necessary, the latter, now aw always, being
made up of those who carry the cross along the via dolorosa which mankind has to tread again; in these
circumstances as We repat, the harmony between the two Powers and the internal
peace, which is a fruit springing from it, are the best remedy to lighten the
difficulties and at the same time the finest gift that the State can make to
itself and to its citizens.
At this moment, when Your
Excellency starts his distinguished mission, the work of the Apostolic See in
favour of peace and understanding amongst nations also appears not only
necessary and urgent but also difficult and full of thorns. Difficult above all because the fundamental
concept of justice and love, which fosters not only the happiness of the
individual, but also the nobility and the growth of social relations, through a
wrong process of thought and action which makes the divine human, and the human
divine, has fallen, in many respects, into oblivious and contempt. This distorted development, amounting to
subversion of the principles of justice and moral duties, has tended and
designed to substitute the Christian concept of life, community and State with
disruptive and destructive doctrines which believe that the progress of
civilisation and of mankind consists in freedom from the bounds of natural law
and of divine revelation, whose resplendent light shines on the world form this
sacred city of Rome.
Each one of these errors, as
generally every error, lasts for a certain time, during which it increases and
decreases; it is at one moment at its height and then suddenly falls
apart. There are two phases: the first
when the intoxicating poison of the alluring doctrines overwhelms and
infatuates the masses and makes them fall into its power, and the other, when
the bitter fruits become ripe and the eyes of the masses, or at least of the
wiser and more thoughtful of them, look at them terrified, remembering how
deceptive were the plans and the promises with which they were drawn into
error. How many eyes, once closed, are
no opening again!
But We are specially
comforted by the understanding that Your Excellency has nobly expressed
regarding the fundamental thought of Our recent Encyclical Letter for the
peaceful and brotherly union of mankind and for peace in justice, and We are
led to hope that Our further endeavours for such a high aim will always find
response in the courageous, strong and industrious Italian people who by the
wisdom of their rulers and their inner impulse have, up to now, been saved from
the danger of being drawn into war, and have thus been placed in the best
position to co-operate for the coming and establishment of true peace, founded
on justice and humanity.
While from the bottom of Our
heart We implore the Omnipotent One to assist Italy and its Rulers with His
light and with His protection, We impart with all Our soul on His Majesty the
King Emperor and on the Royal Family, on His Excellency the head of Government,
on the entire Italian people so near and dear to Us, and in particular on Your
Excellency Our Apostolic Benediction.
(1) Eduardo Dino Alfieri
(1886-1966), Italian Ambassador to the Holy See 07.12.1939 to 31.05.1940. He
succeeded Bonifacio Pignatti (1877-1957), ambassador 1935-39.
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