Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ADSS 1.67 UK Legation to Maglione: UK and Franco-Italian and Polish tensions

ADSS 1.67 UK Legation to Luigi Maglione, Sec State

Reference: AES 4080/39

Location and date: Rome, 21.06.1939

Summary statement: Replying to a message from Maglione, Lord Halifax states that the UK has insisted on trying to arrange Franco-Italian talks and to persuade Poland to take a moderate attitude towards Danzig.

Language: French



Lord Halifax has deeply appreciated the friendly message sent by his Eminence Cardinal Maglione on behalf also of His Holiness. (1)

Regarding the Franco-Italian issue, His Majesty’s Government, in its own interest as well as in the interest of world peace is as eager as the Britain to see an improvement in the relations between Italy and France.  There are, however, serious difficulties, for which France is not solely responsible. (2) Lord Halifax wishes that his Eminence be informed very confidentially that wishes that the British government already has had several communications with the French government in the sense suggested by his Eminence (that is, to recommend the opening of negotiations on the Italian claims), but so far has been unable to modify France’s attitude (3).  The British government does not think that this is a favourable moment for another approach to Paris, but it will not fail to take the opportunity to do so at the first propitious moment.

Regarding Danzig the British Government are doing, and will continue to do, all they can to recommend moderation to Warsaw, and will not miss any opportunity to help in reaching a reasonable solution.  If there are any new developments they will immediately inform the Holy See and will consult with it on the possibilities offered by the situation. (4)

(1) ADSS 1.65
(2) DBFP, 3rd Series, Volume 6, n32, p32.
(3) Italian claims to Tunisia, Corsica etc.

(4) DBFP, op cit.

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