Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ADSS 1.65 Osborne to Maglione: following from 10.06.1939

ADSS 1.65 D’Arcy Osborne, UK Minister to Luigi Maglione, Sec State.

Reference: 38/27/39 (AES 3882/39)

Location and date: Rome, 17.06.1939

Summary statement: Osborne has reported his conversation of 10.06.1939 to Lord Halifax.  Halifax sends his thanks to Maglione.

Language: French


Referring to our discussion on the 10 June I have the honour to inform you that I did not fail to report to Lord Halifax and to inform him of the suggestions which your Eminence has put forward. (1)

I hope to be able to give you a detailed report during the beginning of next week, but in the meantime Lord Halifax instructs me to express his appreciation for the friendly message which I gave him on your behalf and that of His Holiness.


(1) Neither ASV or DBFP contain reference to the conversations alluded to here.  There is an apparent reference in DBFP, Series 3, Volume 5, n661, pp718-19.

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