Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ADSS 1.61 Osborne to Maglione: Halifax thanks Pius XII for Address of 02.06.1939

ADSS 1.61 D’Arcy Osborne, UK Minister to Luigi Maglione, Sec State.

Reference: AES 3659/39

Location and date: Rome, 12.06.1939

Summary statement: Lord Halifax sends thanks to the Pope for his address 02.06.1939

Language: English


My Lord Cardinal,

I have the honour to inform you that Lord Halifax has instructed me to convey to the Pope and expression of his high appreciation of His Holiness’ address to the Cardinals of June 2, and more particularly of that passage in which He announced His resolve to continue His endeavours on behalf of peace. (1)

I shall be very grateful if your Eminence will be so good as to cause this message to be delivered to His Holiness. (2)

I avail myself of this opportunity, my Lord Cardinal, to renew to your Eminence the expression of my highest consideration.

(1) ADSS 1.54. Edward Wood, Viscount Halifax (1881-1959), UK Foreign Minister 1938-40.

(2) Francois Charles-Roux (1879-1961), French Ambassador to the Holy See, also expressed his satisfaction at the Pope’s speech.  He believed the desire for peace among the Italians would be strengthened by it. (Huit Ans au Vatican)

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