ADSS 1.103 D’Arcy Osborne, UK Minister to Holy See, to
Luigi Maglione, Sec State.
AES 5545/39
and date: Rome 19.08.1939
statement: London thinks Ciano, was not successful in Salzburg when he asked
the Germans to proceed with moderation over Danzig.
am authorised to communicate, with all due caution, the impression formed in
London about Count Ciano’s trip to Salzburg [sic]. (1)
impressions are that Count Ciano did not meet with great success when trying to
induce the Germans to go slow about Danzig; that the Germans were firmly
opposed to the idea of a conference; that they showed very little enthusiasm
for supporting Italian claims.
Handwritten note by
Domenico Tardini.
to me by H.E, the British Minister who does
not see how war can be avoided, although he is sure that Mussolini does not
want it.
In his telegram of 16.08.1939 Osborne informed the British Government that the
Secretary of State had asked him for information on the Obersalzburg meetings
(DBFP, Series 3, Volume 7, n17, p20).
Lord Halifax replied by his telegram of 18.08.1939 that information was
scarce, but he gave this information from which Osborne drew the substance of
the memorandum presented to Cardinal Maglione. (Ibid, n61, pp61-62.) The
complete report can be found in DGFP, Series D, Volume 7, n43, pp32-40.
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