Monday, December 21, 2015

ADSS 1.153 Maglione to Cortesi: Danzig, Poland and Germany

ADSS 1.153 Luigi Maglione, Sec State to Filippo Cortesi, Poland.

Reference:  Telegram number 46, (AES 5870/39)

Location and date: Vatican, 30.08.1939

Summary statement: By returning Danzig to the Reich and opening negotiations, Poland would open up peace proposals.

Language: Italian


Coded messages 32-35 received. (1)

News received by the Holy See, also from other sources, confirms the gravity of the situation.  We learn from reliable sources (2) “that, if His Excellency the President of the Republic were to declare that Poland is no longer against the return of Danzig to the Reich and asks to negotiate directly with Germany:

a) on the facilities given to Polish traffic in the port of Danzig

b) its Corridor

c) on the respective minorities,

Hitler would agree to negotiate.  Should he refuse, the opinion of all nations would be against him, even of those who have supported him so far”.  The Holy Father, while the risk of war becomes more acute, and prompted by his particular affection towards Poland, feels that he cannot abstain form sending this message to His Excellency the President.  He therefore instructs Your Excellency to bring this message to His Excellency, President Moscieki (3), personally and with the utmost speed begging him to take it into consideration and to give a reply if at all possible.

(1) ADSS 1.102, 121, 135, 136.
(2) ADSS 1.148

(3) Ignacy Moscicki (1867-1946), President of Poland 1926-39.

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