ADSS 1.41 D’Arcy Osborne, UK Minister to Luigi Maglione,
Sec State.
68/28/39 (AES 2510/39)
and date: Rome, 13.05.1939
statement: The British Government would like the Pope to promote German-Polish
negotiations and promised to support the Pope’s initiative on behalf of peace.
by Domenico Tardini: Second British reply to the proposal in the Papal peace
Majesty’s Government have made confidential enquiries in Paris and Warsaw in
regard to the views held there in respect of the action on behalf of peace
which His Holiness the Pope had under consideration. From these enquiries it has clearly emerged
that the most hopeful procedure would be if His Holiness could take any steps
to promote the peaceful negotiation of the issues outstanding between the
German and Polish Governments. While His
Majesty’s Government understand that the Pope does not intend to proceed at
present with his project, Lord Halifax would like His Holiness to know that His
Majesty’s Government would be ready to give all the support in their power
whenever he might feel that the time was appropriate for an initiative on the
above-mentioned lines.
Majesty’s Government desire to convey to His Holiness a reiterated expression
of their deep appreciation of the motives underlying his action. Although his enquiries may not at once have
produced the full result for which all lovers of peace may have hoped, His
Majesty’s Government are confident that the knowledge throughout the world of
the interest which he has manifested will exert a powerful moral influence for
good. And it is their earnest hope that,
should at any time the opportunity arise of securing general support for a further
and maybe wider effort, His Holiness will not fail to grasp it in the common
interests of world peace. (1)
This memorandum reiterates in substance Lord Halifax’s message to Osborne of
11.05.1939. See DBFP Series 3, Volume 5,
n487, p 524.
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