Friday, April 17, 2015

ADSS 1.19 Maglione to Nuncios: peace conference proposal

ADSS 1.19 Luigi Maglione, Sec State to Nuncios in Paris, Berlin, Warsaw and Apostolic Delegate in London.

Reference: telegrams 4, 25, 77, 88 (AES 2401/39)

Location and date: Vatican, 03.05.1939

Summary statement: Nuncios are asked to Governments about possibility of a peace conference.

Language: Italian


The Holy Father deeply worried at the increasing danger of an outbreak of war proposes to send a fatherly message to five powers: France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Poland to invite them to settle in conference the questions that threaten to spark off conflict.

Without delving into details, His Holiness’ invitation would propose that the aim of the Conference should be to settle in a peaceful manner the questions that are the cause of disagreement between Germany and Poland, France and Italy and the others which depend upon them.

I ask your Excellency’s to bring the matter, urgently, to the knowledge of the Government there (1) and to inform me by telegram what reception will be given by the Government to the Pontiff’s message.

For Poland add:

Also you should not fail to bring to the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, in the manner that you judge most fitting, that calm and moderate expressions in his next speech could make a valuable contribution to the calming of minds. (2)

(1) Note in the draft: For Germany substitute “Chancellor”.

(2) Polish Foreign Minister, Józef Beck, was expected to deliver a response to German demands in the Polish parliament on 05.05.1939.

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