Monday, January 25, 2016

ADSS 1.159 Tardini notes: last peace message from Pius XII

ADSS 1.159 Domenico Tardini, notes.

Reference: AES 5935/39

Location and date: Vatican, 31.08.1939

Summary statement: Maglione handed to Osbone (UK), Diego von Bergen (Germany), Casimir Papée (Poland), Francois Charles-Roux (France), Bonafacio Pignatti (Italy), José de Yanguas Messia (Spain), Francesco Borgoncini Duca for the USA Ambassador, William Phillips, and Niko Sorgo (Yugoslavia) a last peace message from the Pope.

Language: Italian


From 13.20hrs to 13.45hrs the Most Eminent Cardinal Secretary of State personally handed to the Ambassadors of Germany, Poland, France, Italy and to the Minister of Great Britain the text of the pontifical message (here attached) (1) with the request to send it urgently to their Governments.  All the diplomats received this message with obvious satisfaction. (2)

The Most Eminent Cardinal also handed a copy to the Italian Nuncio (3) for communication to the Ambassador of the United States to the Quirinal (4) with the request to transmit it to President Roosevelt so that he could bring his good offices into play.

The Most Eminent Cardinal has handed another copy to the Spanish Ambassador (5) requesting him to send it urgently to Generalissimo Franco and to beg him in the name of the Holy Father to support the initiative.

As the Minister of Yugoslavia (6) was also present, the Most Eminent Cardinal informed him as well about the pontifical initiative. 

The idea of the last message of the Pope dated 31 August – urgent appeal to peace on the eve or war – cam from the Most Eminent Cardinal Secretary of State.  He – worried by the gravity of the news – returned to Rome be car and thought of sending a new short message.  As soon as he arrived in Rome about 12.00hrs, he came into my office, dictated the short communiqué, which His Holiness approved with only small modifications.

(1) ADSS 1.160
(2) Diego von Bergen (1872-1944) German Ambassador to the Holy See 1920-43; Casimir Papee (1889-1979) Polish Ambassador to the Holy See 1939-58; Francois Charles-Roux (1879-1961) French Ambassador to the Holy See 1932-40; Bonafacio Pignatti (1877-1957), Italian Ambassador to the Holy See 1935-39, D’Arcy Osborne (1884-1964), British Minister to the Holy See 1936-47.
(3) Francesco Borgongini Duca (1884-1954), Nuncio to Italy 1929-53.
(4) William Phillips (1878-1968) USA Ambassador to Italy 1936-41.
(5) José Yanguas Messia (1890-1974) Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See 1938-42.
(6) Niko Sorgo (1884-1966), Yugoslav Ambassador to the Holy See 1937-45.

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