Tuesday, October 27, 2015

ADSS 1.131 Tardini notes: conversations with Spanish and Polish ministers

ADSS 1.131 Domenico Tardini, notes.

Reference: AES 6818/39

Location and date: Vatican, 26.08.1939

Summary statement: Spain is unhappy with the German-Soviet pact and enthusiastic about the Pope’s peace message.  Poland denied news of general mobilisation; added that the Pope’s message had been well received and expressed the hope that the Pope would make a formal condemnation in the case of aggression.

Language: Italian


12.00 The Spanish Ambassador calls. (1) He says that in Spain the Russian-German agreement has made a bad impression.  The Spaniards know through their own experience what communism means.  They thought they had dealt a heavy blow to Communism by defeating it in Spain. Now, instead, they see all Powers kneeling before Stalin and are surprised to see the very person who had helped Spain against Communism coming to terms with it.  He speaks with enthusiasm about the pontifical message.

12.30 The Polish Ambassador calls. (2) He has no news from his Government.  He knows only that a general mobilisation has not yet taken place, contrary to the news given by the German Press.  He feels that the tone of the Italian Press is less harsh.  He does not harbour any illusion about Hitler’s proposals, now mentioned.  He states that the pontifical message has been very well received in Poland; the nation is threatened by violence from a stronger one and heartily approves the clear and solemn reaffirmation of principles made by His Holiness.  He expressed (rather timidly_ the hope that, in the case of an aggression against Poland, the Holy See would declare on which side justice and moral principles rest.

(1) Jose Yanguas Messia de Santa Clara de Avedillo (1890-1974), Spanish Ambassdor to the Holy See 1938-42.

(2) Casimir Papee (1889-1979), Polish Ambassador to the Holy See 1939-58.

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