Monday, July 17, 2017

ADSS 1.273 Maglione to Pancini: Pope "saddened" by article in Glos Polski

ADSS 1.273 Luigi Maglione, Sec State, to Alfredo Pacini, Charge d’affaires Polish Nunciature in Angers, France.

Reference: AES 2476/40

Location and date: Vatican, 22.03.1940

Summary statement: Pope saddened by article in Glos Polski.  Pacini to make appropriate representations.

Language: Italian


I immediately brought to the Holy Father’s attention the article of the newspaper Glos Polski, which you sent us with your report Number 13/40 of 13 March 1940, regarding the visit of the German Minister for Foreign Affairs (1).

As you can easily imagine, this article was a painful surprise for the August Pontiff.  The author of the article in fact not only shows lack of understanding for the Holy See’s attitude in dealing with grace international problems, but also shows that he is unaware of forgetful of what His Holiness has done so far to help Poland, and his paternal, eager, incessant concern to bring moral and material assistance to Poland.

The Holy Father has been even more grieved by the fact that the article was published in the semi-official publication of the Polish Government in Angers.

I ask you therefore to lodge a complaint to the competent authorities asking for an explanation.


(1) ADSS 1.262

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