Monday, December 15, 2014

ADSS 10.361 Amleto Cicognani to Sec State - Vatican Radio appeal for Jews of Hungary

Reference: Telegram 2425, (AES 7003/44)

Location and date: Washington, 19.10.1944 @ 06.40 (Rec’d Rome 20.10.1944 @ 14.00)

Summary statement: Request an appeal via Radio Vaticano for the Jews of Hungary.

Language: Italian


Rabbis and representatives of the Jewish Committee continue to come to the Apostolic Delegation, in the hope that the Holy Father would address an appeal via Radio Vatican to the people of Hungary to ensure that every able citizen would welcome and protect the Jews. (1) Nothing can be done at this time by the Apostolic Nunciature, while an appeal (?) [over] Vatican Radio as well as by means of a secret organisation that is very active and well known, would be very useful especially in the provincial cities where it seems that the army and German police are still not well organised.

(1) A memorandum to this effect, dated 25.10.1944, was given by Myron Taylor to the Holy Father on 28.10.1944 (AES 2051/44).  On 01.11.1944 D’Arcy Osborne also gave an aide-memoire in support of this proposal.

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