No trains left Hungary for Auschwitz on 10 June.
Report 1260/44, N.Pr 957 (AES 5689/44)
and date: Budapest, 10.06.1944
statement: News on the persecution of the Jews of Hungary.
consider it useful to send a copy of the Note send by this Nunciature to the
Minister of Foreign Affairs in response to the Note of 27 May, which I have
already sent to your Eminence with a copy of my report number 19095/44 on 23
May. (1)
there is no improvement: harassment and
deportations continue, and in an inhumane manner, even if it is masked by the
title of being sent for compulsory labour.
campaign that is led against the Jews, which also, unfortunately also includes
converts, is not approved by right-minded people, given the way in which it takes
place and in contrast with the Christian sense of the Hungarian soul. But, as is the case elsewhere, force and
violence have the upper hand over common sense and he rights of truth and
justice. These directives come from
outside Hungary, but regretfully there are fanatical, almost maniacal,
executors, in Hungary. They have done
severe damage to the moral sense of the good reputation of the nation.
I also
believed it convenient to send to His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary, a
copy of all correspondence on this matter exchanged between the Nunciature and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Highness, the Regent, maintains a rather passive attitude. However, the documents may come in handy so
the Regent knows exactly the thoughts of the Holy See, through the action of
the Nunciature, in this painful episode.
ADSS 10.207
Regent Admiral Horthy
See the Attachment. See also ADSS 10.243.
Note of the Apostolic Nunciature in Budapest [to the Minister of Foreign
Apostolic Nunciature has the honour to acknowledge receipt of the Verbal Note
form the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – number 234 / Res. Pol./
1944 of 27 May (4) in response to the Nunciature’s note Number 1058 dated 15
May (5) on the Jewish Question. The
Apostolic Nunciature has hastened to send the Note of the Royal Ministry to the
Holy See and after a full and sympathetic consideration of the same, wishes to
point out the following:
Apostolic Nunciature expresses its deep appreciation and thanks to the Royal
Government for the assurances given about the events that occurred on the
premises of the Association of the Holy Cross.
But, unfortunately, it cannot show the same satisfaction for the
response given to the other points, which formed the subject of the previous Note. The Nunciature is very painfully surprised by
the statement of the Royal Government’s statement wishing to solve the Jewish
question solely on the grounds of race and without any consideration of the
religion professed by those concerned: this is practically a denial of the
positive influence of religion on the human mind and the education work of the
Church. Now there is serious harm to the regard of the Church. And the entire Hungarian people are witness
to the efficacy of this action of the Church, who, since her [Hungary’s]
arrival in Europe, has welcomed in her motherly arms, deeply transforming and
lifting it up, in the space of a few generations, to the same level of
civilisation as the Western peoples. Why
would the Church not be able to operate the same profound changes in the soul
of the Jews?
say that their conversion is not sincere.
But nothing justifies a general statement. While there may be doubts about the sincerity
of some conversions, which occurred in recent times (and it must not be
forgotten that the Catholic Church, to which they refer, has always been very
strict in admitting those who ask for baptism), there are no reasonable grounds
for doubting the conversion of the Jews who became Christians before the
commencement of the anti-Semitic laws in Hungary.
Note from the Royal Ministry refers to systems adopted in other countries,
which have “solved” the Jewish question solely on the basis of race. The Hungarian Government knows that the
Catholic Church has always rejected the theories and methods founded on the
materialistic principle of blood and race, completely neglecting the spiritual
element of man, denying the influence of free will, of education and any
supernatural means of divine grace in the formation of character and the human
person. However, there are other
countries, which, while adopting anti-Semitic measures, have made exemptions –
at least partially – for Jewish Christians out of respect for the Sacrament of
Baptism, and of the merits of the Church and her work as a complete educator in
both the national and patriotic sense.
it is a fact that when the Jews enter the Church they are beginning to merge
strictly national elements, so that after one or two generations they cannot be
distinguished from others.
fact that the Hungarian Government uses the religious element in the pursuit of
racial origins (grandfathers had to be Christians) is an admission of that
fact. So if the Royal Government
recognises this, why do they not continue to the logical and legitimate
Note from the Royal Ministry said that the new provisions are based on the
legal concept of a “Jew” as set by Law XV of 1938, IV of 1939 and XV of
1941. The Apostolic Nunciature noted
that even then the Church rejected a purely racial principle and publically
voiced its protest: although these laws
did not have serious practical consequences.
Apostolic Nunciature therefore has the regret of having to declare as totally
inadequate the facilities granted to Christians and has listed items from the
Note to which it has the honour to answer.
first is a promise, not yet realised, to correct the very serious wrong
committed to the detriment of the baptised, in abandoning them to the mercy of
the non-baptised Jews and in this way putting them into the saddest of
situations. The second, which is not
even known publicly, is also reparation of a similar nature. The exceptions contained in numbers three and
four can only refer to a very small number of people, and do not resolve the
question of principle. (6)
the greatest regret of the Apostolic Nunciature has been realised. A reliable source confirmed the resolutions
of a recent conference where it was decided that all Hungarian Jews, without
distinction of religion, will be deported.
At most about 150,000 to 200,000 souls will be exempted because they are
essential to the economic and industrial life of the country or in health
care. According to other reports the
exempted are absolutely safe. The
deportation is already underway and is executed with such methods that may people
die before reaching the place of deportation. (Inhumane methods are also practiced
in the concentration camps, where even the most basic living conditions and
hygiene are lacking, and where you prevent priests bringing the comforts of
religion to these unfortunate sons of the Church!)
is said that this is not a deportation but compulsory labour. One can argue about words; but the reality is
undeniable. When people over 70 and even
80 years of age, elderly women, children, the sick are deported, one wonders
what kind of work could these people possibly be doing? You replied that you gave the Jews the
opportunity to bring their families; but then the departure of these people
would be voluntary. And what about cases
of the old, sick etc., are the only ones to be deported, or when there are no
parents, should they follow? And when
you think only Hungarian workers are required to go to Germany for employment,
it is forbidden to deport their families, we are astonished to see that only
the Jews are granted this great favour.
all that the Apostolic Nunciature, the official representative of the Holy
Father, who is entrusted with the defence of the divine law – either natural or
positive – and the supreme guardian of Christian interests, is forced to
protest to the Royal Hungarian Government and ask it to respond to the requests
made in it previous Note, namely:
that Jewish-Christians are exempt from the anti-Semitic provisions: at least
those whose conversions – especially having regard to the period in which it
occurred there is no reasonable cause
for suspicion;
that all Jews be given human treatment; and that even if necessary measures for
the defence of the legitimate interests of the State are required, justice and
the fundamental rights of the human person will be respected;
that while the Royal Government is working to change the antisemtic decrees in
the directions indicated, it will implement the necessary emergency measures to
prevent the continued abuses mentioned above and all proper spiritual
assistance available for these unfortunate Christians.
Apostolic Nunciature wishes to emphasise that in making this approach, it has
no intention of denying the Royal Government the right to defend the nation
from any dangers that may threaten it, but only to ask that the rights of the
Church and Christian moral principles be respected.
its Note the Royal Government expresses the desire that relations with the Holy
See should continue with the same cordiality, as has been the case in the
past. It is with great satisfaction that
the Apostolic Nunciature noted this declaration, which corresponds to the
warmest and sincere wishes of the Holy See.
This statement and the statement of His Excellency the Prime Minister to
Parliament that “the new government wants to build Hungary on the rock of
Christian morality” gives the Nunciature confidence that these suggestions will
be accepted well, and that the Royal Government will want to refrain from acts
contrary to the rights and legitimate interest of Christians. And the Hungarian people, who have justly
acquired the title of defender of the faith and civilization, will not want to
soil their reputation by following methods that the conscience of the Christian
world could not approve, even if they were said to be justified to defend the
country against Bolshevism, which would remove much of its moral value in the
country even as it continues the Christian defence of civilization.
actions of the Apostolic Nunciature, are inspired by a feeling of deep and
sincere attachment to Hungary, that she would see ever be greater and more
prosperous, surrounded by the purest glory, hope they will be well received and
with his Eminence the Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness, send “best
wishes for the noble Hungarian nation that it may at this delicate time find it
orientation in the deeply Christian traditions of its ancestors”. (7)
Not published in ADSS. See ADSS 10.207, n5.
See ADSS 10.207, Attachment 1.
It was the exemption for priests, religious and a few others from wearing the
Yellow Star.
See ADSS 10.234. For the response of the
Minister on 30.06.1944 see Jeno Levai, The
Black Book, pp 29-30.
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